DIY Assembly, Repair, and Maintenance Videos
This blog covers Basic Maintenance and repair work for Chinese Scooters, ATV's Dirtbikes, Go Karts and more. For more videos visit our YouTube Channel @kissmygasscooters
D.I.Y Maintenance

KMG D.I. Y. - How To Tighten an ATV chain
How To adjust Your Drive chain on a Chinese Atv Four wheeler. This video covers traditional and clamshell style rear ends. @kissmygasscooters On YouTube for more D.I.Y. Videos www.kissmygasscooters.com
KMG D.I. Y. - How To Tighten an ATV chain
How To adjust Your Drive chain on a Chinese Atv Four wheeler. This video covers traditional and clamshell style rear ends. @kissmygasscooters On YouTube for more D.I.Y. Videos www.kissmygasscooters.com